Blogtober 2021 – Day 9
No, silly, not THAT kind of board meeting! This morning’s meeting was with a friend, to go paddle-boarding. We met up at 8am and drove all of two minutes up the road to our nearest lake with our trusty boards and paddles. We’d already checked the forecast and knew it should be dry, but it was also incredibly still, and the surrounding scenery reflected in the lake was just stunning.
We made our way up to the end of the lake where the water flows in, and started to make our way up stream. This was my first time exploring this way and also my first time trying to paddle upstream, and it all felt very Swallows and Amazons 😀
We got quite far before the force of the flow became too strong and we had to admit defeat and head back the way we came, into the lake again
We made it right around the lake and back to our starting point by 10am, where we enjoyed hot chocolate and flapjacks on the shore before heading home. That’s MY kind of board meeting 😉
Hope you’re having a lovely weekend whatever you’re up to – back tomorrow with something soap related, but I’m sure I don’t know what yet!