Well, I said I wouldn’t leave it so long next time and I’ve been as good as my word – only a month has passed since I last posted and I’ve awarded myself an end of term grade of C- for consistency. I think that’s usually considered a ‘Must Do Better’ grade 😀
I’ve not been idle though. The Soap Mine soaps are now being stocked in THREE retail outlets, and I’ve got my eye on another. I’ve also been accepted to sell at a local monthly craft fair – the first of which is in just over 2 weeks time. Soooo, I’ve been soaping like a demon. Originally it was to make sure I had enough for the launch of the website (and before you ask – nope!) but now I also need to make sure I’ve got enough for the three shops and the market – eeek! I’m finding it quite hard to plan how many bars to make, given that I always work with a 6 week cure time, and I have no idea when, or how much, the retailers will reorder. I suppose it’s not ‘Best Practice’ business-wise to work in such a way, but all three retailers are quite small concerns, and it would be difficult to get them to commit to taking, say, a set number of bars a month, until they’ve at least got some idea of how well (or otherwise!) they sell.
So, as the title says, my Soap Mountain is growing! My poor mum’s dining room (nope, we’ve not moved either!) has become a soapy storage area, and I’m constantly on the lookout for more storage crates, boxes and anything suitable I can get my hands on.
Anyway, these are some I made a few weeks back – I’ve got a lot more to share once I get round to photographing them!


Orange & Ylang Ylang EOs:
(I’m struggling to come up with a name for the one so if anyone has any ideas I’d appreciate suggestions)

Notice the similarity between this one and Blackjack above? My mistake – I didn’t expect the darker blue in this one to be quite so dark, so the two bars are more alike than I wanted them to be.

Finally, just because I love it – a mica swirl on the top of my last batch of Luscious Lavender. Cut pictures to follow – eventually 😀

Thanks for checking in – especially those of you whose blogs I’ve not had the chance to catch up on for what feels the longest time – I’ll get back to you soon I promise!
All of your soaps are beautiful, Vicki! You’ve been very busy lately. Congratulations on getting your soaps into the stores, and best of luck at the market!
Thank you so much Jenny!
I’m so happy and excited for your expansion, Vicki! I hope you can share with us pictures of your lovely soaps displayed in the retail outlets. All the best on the market and as always, happy soaping! 🙂
Thanks Silvia – it’s making me a little anxious, but in a good way 🙂 So much going on at the moment, but I’m going to put aside an evening VERY soon to catch up with everything you’ve been up to!
Great, Vicki! Congratulations! We understand now better your absence ;).
The soaps are beautiful, love the chocolate version- it looks really good!
Thank you Natalia – I know, I have been absent haven’t I?! I wil catch up with your blog very soon too I promise! It’s already nearly midnight here and the kids will be up at 6 so I’d better go to bed. Not enough hours in the day!!