I don’t do resolutions. Haven’t done for years. I can’t be bothered with airy fairy statements like ‘I resolve to get fit’ or ‘I resolve to learn a new language’ blah blah blah, which never seem to come to anything (for me, anyway)
I do, however, like the idea of having specific, measurable goals, and while I’ll cover my Business goals for 2016 in another post very soon, I wanted to share with you my two personal goals for this year. (Not least because I’m hoping that having to update here will make me more accountable!)
My first goal is to run 1,000km during 2016. Before having children I used to be a regular runner, but that was over six years ago, and I’ve been feeling recently that I want to regain my previous fitness levels. On paper, 1,000km seems a lot (especially as I ran a total of 93.5km last year!) but I really think it’s doable – it equates to 19.2km a week, or 83.3km a month. This week I’ve run 14.5km over four days (rest days on Wed & today – Sat) and I’m planning on going again tomorrow, so I’m on track:

and the distance I run per week should increase as I get fitter. That’s the plan anyway!
My second goal is far more sedentary – I plan to read 12 novels. Compared to how much I used to read, it seems a paltry number, nevertheless it will probably be a harder goal to achieve than my running one (I had the same goal last year and I read 4 (4!!) novels all year) But my evenings are almost always spent working – be it soapmaking, wrapping/labelling soap, paperwork, marketing etc etc etc. Add to that two young children, exercise time (see above!) and a part-time day job (with related compulsory coursework/study) and time for reading suddenly becomes rather hard to find. I hope to squeeze in half an hour reading at bedtime before my eyelids start to droop!
Number 1, and currently on my bedside table is Life after Life by Kate Atkinson:
Anyway, that’s it for now. Once again it’s approaching midnight and I’m nowhere near bed. Oh for more hours in the day lol!
Wish me luck, and let me know what your goals and/or resolutions are for 2016 🙂
I want to cultivate friendships. I too often just go to work, go to the gym and then go home and work some more. I wan to make time to get out there and meet people and enjoy company once in a while!
Great goal! It’s difficult to cultivate and maintain friendships when life is so full but a couple of hours with good friends can lift my mood like little else. Good luck!!
[…] in January I wrote this post about how I don’t really ‘do’ resolutions, and instead had a couple of simple […]
[…] set of goals… To be honest, last year’s weren’t a huge success – on a personal level I didn’t read as many books as I’d hoped, and I certainly didn’t run as far as I […]