One week of Blogtober successfully completed – woop! Today is day 8, the first day of a new blogging week as far as this challenge goes, and the first day I’ve come down in the morning and had nothing prepared to post. This is primarily because I’ve been spending the last couple of days wrapping and labelling every chance I get for a couple of large orders going out soon, so it makes sense to show you my soap packaging.
These are the full sized bars, wrapped and labelled. I place each bar into an individual cellophane bag with the ingredient label tied on with natural raffia.

Behind each soap I place an insert with all other mandatory information – contact details, weight of bar, batch number and best before date:

I also offer guest sized bars, which are one third of the size of regular bars. These have proved popular with guest houses and holiday rental properties, but I don’t sell them individually – they’re far too much work:

Have a great Saturday, whatever you have planned. Back tomorrow 🙂
So pretty!!
I noticed where you are!! One of my Aunts lived in Dolweddelan for years – until she died in 2003. She was born a Geordie, but learned to speak Welsh when she moved to the village. She used to climb Mt Siabod daily, she loved the eagles up there. I walked up with her once in the late 1970s when I visited – I only made it about 2/3 way up (she was nearly 70 and made it the whole way every day!!)