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Stocking up for market

I’m still busily building up my stock levels for the fast approaching farmers’ markets.  The first is only a fortnight away now, so the deadline for that one has passed  (I cure my soaps for a good 4-5 weeks before they’re ready to use) but there’s still plenty to do for the one after that.  I’ve committed to three markets a month for the time being, and I’ve no idea how many soaps I’ll need or how many will sell, so I’m stocking up and time will tell!

Here’s a round up of the last week or so:

Pink Matilda – Pink Musk Fragrance Oil

Picture 062

Smiling Zebra – Tangerine Fragrance Oil

Picture 049

Rosemary & Peppermint Essential Oils

Picture 052

Second attempt at the Holly Swirl, Maraschino Cherry Fragrance Oil

Picture 054Vanilla Cupcakes – Vanilla Fragrance Oil (in base)

Picture 048The second and third markets are at the end of September, so I’ve got a few more days to squeeze in another soaping session or two :0)

7 thoughts on “Stocking up for market

  1. Your soaps are gorgeous!! Good luck on the farmer’s market. I have no doubt you will do very well. 🙂

    1. Thanks so much – fingers crossed you’re right!!

  2. Wow! Loveeee the tiger stripe soap. Actually all the soaps are stunning!

    1. Thanks so much Roxana!

  3. All of your soaps are gorgeous, and I especially like the Smiling Zebra! Best of luck to you at the farmer’s markets!

  4. Can I please ask what technique did you use for the pink matilda soap? It looks absolutely gorgeous!

    1. Apologies for the delay in replying – it’s been too long since I checked in! Anyway, the Pink Matilda soap was just a simple ‘In the Pot’ swirl. Thanks for the kind comments, I’m really happy with how it turned out 😀

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