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Wet Soap Wednesday – Blogtober Day 12

Wet Soap Wednesday comes round again surprisingly quickly.  Though, a bit like Christmas, it shouldn’t really be as surprise should it? It’s not as if there’s a possibility it might not turn up on time…

I digress.  These are Super Scrubby Peppermint, Love Spell and Clarity, all freshly poured and rocking the glossy look.

Soap in the Mould
Soap in the Mould

This was Love Spell just poured and before the top was textured:

Love Spell, freshly poured
Love Spell, freshly poured

And here it is after the obligatory titivation:

Love Spell
Love Spell

Day 13 tomorrow – sooo close to halfway. If you’re still with me almost 2 weeks in I thank you, very much.  If you have any themes or topics you’d like me to touch on during the second half of Blogtober do let me know – I’ll try to fit in a bit more of that personal stuff I find so awkward too 😀

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