Hope you’re all having a happy and peaceful holiday weekend. This week has been fairly quiet on the soapy front – not an awful lot going on other than restocks, blah blah… Don’t get me wrong, I adore making and cutting soap, restocks or otherwise, but it’s not so exciting for you dear readers to be seeing the same thing over and over again 😀
I took the children to visit friends over night on Tuesday, which is generally soaping night, so I brought it forward and made two double batches on Monday instead. These are First Kiss & Luscious Lavender:

I’m in the process of trying to rename ‘First Kiss’. It was so called because it’s so sweet (groan!!) but I’m pretty sure that some people are put off buying it as a gift because of the name. If you have any thoughts pleeeaaase share – it’s a dupe of Aquolina’s Pink Sugar, and is a a rather delicious sweet, vanilla-y / caramely fragrance.
My second soapy session was today – two double batches of Scrubby Peppermint and Botanica.

I’ve said before that Botanica’s blend of Lavender, Lemon & Lime is my current favourite, and today the fragrance of the essential oils together was literally making my mouth water, they blend stunningly well together.
This week we finally got to make a start on the EPIC project that is our back garden. It’s pretty big, but as we’ve been focussing on doing up the house since we moved in, the garden’s not had a look-in. It’s been totally neglected for the last 20 (30?) years and making it beautiful is going to be a real labour of love, but we’ll get there.
Here are a few ‘before’ photos to give you an idea of the hard work we have ahead of us!!

I’ve called these ‘Before’ photos, but believe it or not these photos were taken after we’d done a fair bit of clearing already. We did take some photos when we first moved in, maybe I’ll try to hunt some out for a future post – I’m sure there will be regular updates as and when we make progress 😉
That’s it for now. It’s Easter Sunday evening and I really must go and spend some time with my (mostly) ever-patient other half! Thanks for reading, back soon!