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Social Saturday #4 – Instagram (Blogtober 28)

The fourth and final Social Saturday, at least for a while, features my current favourite social medium –  Instagram.  I was a bit of a latecomer it and if I’m totally honest I couldn’t initially see the point of it. That soon changed once I jumped in and started sharing photos and following other accounts, and believe it or not I’ve gained most of my wholesale customer through Instagram. I’ve found that there is a lot more interaction on IG than other social media – follow, like and comment on other accounts/photos and it’ll often be reciprocated.

It’s undoubtedly the best social medium for soap porn.  Follow the right accounts and you’ll get photo after photo of beautiful soap (or whatever floats your boat, lol). Using the right hashtags to search (eg #handmadesoap #coldprocesssoap #soapshare) will help you discover new accounts to follow.

If you don’t yet have an account, this article is a handy guide to getting started. If you’re already all set up, there are more advanced tips here and this page is really useful for finding craft based hashtags.

Follow me here: The Soap Mine, and if you share your account in the comments section below I’ll follow you (and others might too :-D)

Thanks for reading, back tomorrow!


4 thoughts on “Social Saturday #4 – Instagram (Blogtober 28)

  1. Thanks for the info on this. I haven’t embraced Instagram yet, but I supposed I should get around to it. 🙂

  2. Thanks so much for linking to my hashtag post! You rock! ♥

    1. You’re very welcome – it’s a great post!

  3. Vicki, I like Instagram too. Haven’t found new customers yet from Instagram but they will come. We already follow each other on Instagram, I need blog followers. I’m getting a little better at posting on a regular basis.

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