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A New Stockist – Amgueddfa Ceredigion Museum

Blogtober 2021 – Day 19

One of today’s tasks was packing up a wholesale order for a brand new wholesale customer – Amgueddfa Ceredigion Museum in Aberystwyth. Typically for me, I forgot to take a photo of the contents of the parcel before I sealed it up, but they’ll soon be receiving a fabulously smelling box of all of these:

I’d been thinking for a long time that I wanted to find a stockist in Aberystwyth, but yet hadn’t got around to doing any research, so imagine how thrilled I was (am!) that the museum approached me to enquire about becoming a stockist.

The museum is currently open Thursday to Saturday 11am – 4pm, is free to visit and has a rather nice gift shop from which, very soon, you’ll be able to buy your favourite soap. Do pop on by 😉

Find them on Terrace Road, Aberystwyth, SY23 2AQ.

That was a quick one huh? That’s what Blogtober does to you 😀

Thanks for reading – back tomorrow!

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A Conditional Delay

Blogtober 2021 – Day 12

Tonight’s planned blog post was supposed to be all about soap for our four legged friends – it seemed appropriate after yesterday’s post about Jac the Crazy Collie. However things don’t always go to plan and now I find myself at 9.30pm having just finished work and with absolutely nothing prepared for today’s post…

Let me tell you why.

Last week I made lots and lots – hundreds! – of solid conditioner bars for a wholesale order.

Conditioner bars in the mould

Although I can only make 100 at a time (yes, I really do need to get additional moulds) I knew how long I needed to get them all made and I was organised and in control – or so I thought. What I didn’t count on was delays at the printers. My plan was to pick up the labels on Friday, box and label all the conditioner bars over the weekend (breaking my no weekend working rule AGAIN), and then deliver the whole lot on Monday.

Unfortunately the labels were overlooked on Friday but I was assured they’d be printed on Monday. I’d already told my customer that I’d be delivering them on Monday, so I had to email over the weekend and explain the delay. But somehow the printing got overlooked again on Monday – Dean turned up to collect them late Monday PM and YIKES they still weren’t done. Luckily I’d given myself a little bit of wriggle room with the new delivery time – late Tues pm or Wed am, I’d said – so when I finally got my hands on the labels at 5.30pm today I headed straight over to the office to get to work. Four hours later I’m finished and all boxed up and ready for delivery tomorrow morning:

So there you go. Sometimes mistakes happen, and things go awry, but at least it gave me something quick to write about this evening 😀

Click here to check out The Soap Mine range of solid conditioners for yourself.

Now I’m off to have something to eat and sit down and enjoy The Great British Bake Off a bit later than planned. Thanks for reading – back tomorrow.

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The Core Range – Bath Bombs

This is the current range of bath bombs. I have two main ranges –  bombs fragranced with pure essential oils only, and bombs made with fragrance oils.

There are two sizes – small & large.  The small size retails at £2.00 and weighs a minimum of 80g (although in reality most are closer to 90g) and the large size retails at £3.50 and weights a minimum of 120g (but in reality most are around the 130-140g mark)

Please be aware that these are handmade items and as a result bombs won’t all be identical. Fragrances will remain constant, but designs may vary slightly from bar to bar.

I should soon be able to offer bath bombs to match every bar available in the core range of soaps, but currently the range consists of the following seven varieties:

Essential Oil Bombs

Luscious Lavender

Simply fragranced with pure Lavender essential oil, loved by all ages.

Luscious Lavender Luxury Bath Bomb
Luscious Lavender Luxury Bath Bomb


‘The one that smells like a spa’. That’s how customers describe Serenity, and with good reason – the heady blend of Patchouli and Ylang Ylang essential oils combined with a citrus fragrance oil will have you relaxed in no time.


Fragranced with Lemongrass and Clary Sage essential oils, Clarity is a real unisex fragrance, and one of my best sellers.

Clarity Luxury Bath Bomb
Clarity Luxury Bath Bomb

Fragrance Oil Bombs

Sugar Drops

A warm, caramel, vanilla fragrance, reminiscent of Aquolina’s Pink Sugar designer perfume.

First Kiss Luxury Bath Bomb
Sugar Drops Luxury Bath Bomb


A fruity, floral fragrance with notes of peach, cherry blossom and white jasmine. Reminiscent of Victoria Secret’s Love Spell perfume.

Bewitched Luxury Bath Bomb
Bewitched Luxury Bath Bomb

Oatmeal, Milk & Honey (OMH)

The ultimate comforting scent, OMH has strong almond notes with honey and creamy oats.

Oatmeal, Milk & Honey Luxury Bath Bomb
Oatmeal, Milk & Honey Luxury Bath Bomb

Welsh Rose

A classic fragrance, the luscious scent of fresh rose petals.

Welsh Rose Luxury Bath Bomb
Welsh Rose Luxury Bath Bomb




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Happy Friday!

Blogtober Day 14

Yippee for Fridays!  And today has been a particularly good day.

  1. It’s my wedding anniversary.  11 years ago today I married my best friend, and today I’m counting my blessings just that little bit more.
  2. I delivered the first order to a brand new stockist – more of that in another post very soon.
  3. My ‘coming soon’ bathbombs received a glowing review.

Not a bad day eh?  We’re off out this evening for a rare outing – dinner, just the two of us, without the constant interruption of children. I. CANNOT. WAIT.

Anyway, back to that bathbomb review.  A couple of weeks ago I posted a picture of my trial bathbombs on Instagram and one of my IG buddies mentioned on the post how much she liked them.  I offered to send her one to try, on the proviso that she give me her honest feedback. Well, turns out she loved it, and wrote a glowing review on her blog:

“The colour is awesome ! Unlike some bath bombs I have used before it doesn’t leave a horrid layer around the bath after draining the water . Neither does the colour stain the bath.”

Please check out the full review on Beauties and the Bibs There’s even a video of the bomb in action – please check it out!

It’s been a great day so far.  Hope you have a wonderful one too.