Believe it or not I’m STILL restocking and wrapping at the moment. The first craft fair of the year is coming up this Saturday, and I’m really looking forward to getting back to face to face selling again.
Here are a few in-the-mould teasers of what what I’ve been up to recently.
Fragranced with Lemongrass & Clary Sage Essential Oils

Fragranced with Bergamot, Patchouli, Orange & Ylang Ylang Essential Oils

Fragranced with Rose Geranium, Rosewood and Palmarosa Essential Oils

They all look and sound yummy! 🙂
Thanks Silvia
Grate job Vicki! I wish you big craft fair success!
Thank you Gordana – fingers crossed 😀
Sure they will smell great!
Thank you!
Looks like those will be some beautiful soaps, Vicki!
Beautiful swirls and colors =)
Thanks Anne-Marie 🙂