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It’s my Blogaversary!

Or is it a Blogday?  Either way, I published my first couple of posts on the 28th June 2013, Woohoo!!  At that point I hadn’t made any soap since the birth of my daughter two months before, nor for a good few months before that due to day-long morning sickness and an extreme aversion to the smell of fragrance AND essential oils.  (I’d had to ask my husband to put all my supplies up in the attic as even catching an accidental whiff of any of my soaps had me heading for the bathroom – urgh..)

Fast forward and that newborn is now four years old (funny that :-D) and she’ll be joining her big brother at school full time in September.  That will mean much, MUCH more time for soaping and the business as a whole (including the blog!).  I’m also hoping that I’ll have a bit more time for myself, and of course my poor, long suffering husband who has spent more evenings than I care to mention alone on the sofa while I focused on The Soap Mine.

I have loads of ideas for new products, blog posts and growing the business generally, so please stick with me – I hope I’ll still be here in another four years time, and I hope you’ll still be reading.  Thank you all!!

Oh, here’s a little bit of soap in the mould from a couple of days ago, just because it’s pretty lol…

Bewitched in the mould
Bewitched in the mould

8 thoughts on “It’s my Blogaversary!

  1. Happy Blog-versary! Well done : )

    1. Thanks Sarah! 🙂

    1. Thank you – appreciated 😀

  2. It’s not pretty. It is friggen gorgeous!!!!

    Four years! That is something to be proud of! Well done and congrats!

  3. Happy Blogaversary! And many more!

  4. And that’s they way it should be!

  5. Oooo – congratulations!! Four years of blogging is a major achievement – I’ll raise a glass to that in your honour. Here’s to the next four years…..

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