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Dandelion Zebra Swirl

This month’s soap challenge over at Amy Warden’s Great Cakes Soapworks is the Dandelion Zebra Swirl, created by Vinvela Ebony and named after her blog Dandelion Seifee. It’s not something I’ve done before, so was keen to give it a go.  It should look like this:


To create this design you need something like a flexible cutting board (which is what I used) cut to fit exactly inside the length of the soap mold.  Once half the base colour is poured, you insert the thin cutting board into the middle of the mold and pour alternate thin layers of the coloured batter down the cutting board. You then carefully remove the cutting board and pour the rest of the base colour (being careful not to disturb the coloured layers)

The reason for that rather convoluted description of the process is that I was concentrating so much that I completely forgot to take any ‘during’ photos <facepalm>

I have ‘before’ pictures:

3 colours

I have ‘after’ pictures:

photo 5But no ‘during’ photos.  Sorry :-s

Anyway, here it is: my first attempt at a Dandelion Zebra Swirl.  The green (chrome green oxide) and red (pigment) colours thickened up a little more than I would have liked, but the yellow (lemon drop mica) stayed nice and thin.  It’s fragranced with Apple Pie & Custard FO.

Pictures 221All in all I’m really happy with the way it turned out.  Thanks as always to Amy for organising the challenge, and I’m looking forward to seeing all the other entries!

20 thoughts on “Dandelion Zebra Swirl

  1. Gorgeous, Vicki! I recently made a soap using the Tilted Tiger Stripe technique. It’s similar to the Dandelion Zebra Swirl, but you tilt the mold at an angle and pour in alternating layers down the side of the mold instead of using a flexible board. I will have to give the Dandelion Zebra Swirl a try, too, someday!

    1. Thanks Jenny! I’ve not tried the Tilted Tiger Stripe either – another one to put on my list of ‘must dos’ 🙂

  2. Your soap is very pretty…lovely colors 🙂

  3. Beautiful soap, Vicki! It looks perfect for the holidays. 🙂

    1. Thanks Silvia! I’m thinking it could pass as a kind of abstract Christmas Tree 😀

  4. Wow, Vicki, your soap is fabulous! Congratulations!

    1. Thank you Natalia! It was fun try something different and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out 😀

  5. YUM!! You had me at custard…Great looking soap, Vicki! Isn’t is so much fun??

    1. Thanks Amy! Soooooo much fun – love trying my hand at your challenges and seeing all the wonderful entries 😀

  6. Love it! Your white is so perfectly creamy!

  7. This is beautiful! Sounds like an amazing scent, too!

    1. Thanks Katy! A yummy scent indeed!

  8. Wow, your stripes came out great, and I love the colors! Very nice job!

  9. So pretty! Apple Pie and Custard fits this one perfectly!

    1. Thanks Cris – it is a delicious fragrance 🙂

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