Posted on 5 Comments

Happy New Year!

Just checking in quickly to wish you all a very Happy New Year, and to say thanks for reading during 2014!

I’ve got a lot of plans for 2015, not least of which is to try to blog more regularly, so I look forward to sharing more soapy adventures with you over the next 12 months.

Vicki x

Happy New Year 2015

5 thoughts on “Happy New Year!

  1. Happy New Year, Vicki!

    1. Thank you Natalia – hope you have a wonderful 2015 😀

  2. Happy New Year to you! With plenty of successful soapy adventures!

    1. Thank you! I’ve just discovered your blog and have followed via Bloglovin – looking forward to seeing your creations too!

  3. Thank you Yvonne – me too 😀

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