It’s been a productive week, with four big wins to shout about.
I finally made the Spring Specials, having intended to get them done last week (release date still be be decided, but March sometime). I may make some more – so far I have 50 of each and now I’m doubting myself and cosidering making another 50 of each like I did last year. Sales are down, people have less money to spend on luxuries like handmade soap, but I don’t want to regret NOT making more. I suspect I’ll make more 😉
Here’s one in the mould:
And another (Sakura – Cherry Blossom) freshly cut:

The second big win was, miracle of miracles, finally setting up my mailing list. It’s been on my to-do list for literally years. Social media is great but not always reliable for getting information out to the customer – reach seems to be decreasing all the time – and so being able to email customers directly is becoming more and more important.
Everyone signing up to the newsletter will receive a 20% dicount code for the website, and you can unsubscribe at any time – just click here to subscribe.
Thirdly, I got my tax return done, woo-hoo! I always say I’ll get it done WAY before the 31st Jan deadline, but never seem to manage to get it done before Christmas. Next year will be different. I’ve set myself a goal to get it done before the end of July. To (hopefully!) facilitate that I’ve committed to do accounts and paperwork every Friday morning. It’s in the diary and everything! I did consider just putting it in the diary once a month and do a whole month’s worth in one go, but it’s proving to be far quicker and less daunting to do a week’s worth at a time, and so I’m far more likely to stick to it.
Last in my list of successes this week is getting another category of the website updated with new photographs. The haircare category has now been completely re-shot on a white background – much better no?

A busy week coming up – lots more soap to make and more new photographs to take, so there should be plenty to share in next weeks round up post. I’ll be back!