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Exciting News!

We recently had some very exciting news – it’s not soap related, but it will (sadly) impact on my soapmaking for the next couple of months.

Although we live in the north of England, my husband and I are both Welsh, and have always said that we would move back there eventually. The one thing preventing us from doing so was the lack of available work in rural Wales where we wanted to live, but against all odds it’s happened. My husband got a new job, and we’re going home!!

It’s all very exciting – the new job starts on the 1st March, so we have a bit of time, but once Christmas and New Year are out of the way it’ll soon come round. So the house is on the market, and we’ve just spent the weekend looking for a new home (preferably one with a dedicated soaping area – woop!)

Anyway, the upshot is there’s an awful lot to do between now and then, so I’ve decided to put the soaping on the back burner for a couple of months and focus on the big move.

In the meantime please don’t go away – I’ll be updating on relocation progress on this site, (no doubt whinging about missing making soap lol) and will also share some of the wonderful soapy blogs that I’ve grown to love over the past year.

I do however have a couple more recent makes to share with you – coming very soon 🙂

12 thoughts on “Exciting News!

  1. How wonderful that you and your husband got your wish! So happy for you! I hope you get your other wish – to have a dedicated soaping area. All the best on the new changes, and please do keep us posted. 🙂

    1. Thank you so much – and fingers crossed I’ll be writing about my new soaping room very soon!

  2. Sounds so exciting and I can tell by your writing how excited you really are. Moving is usually quite challenging and I hope it will bring you the happiness you’ve been longing for.
    Keep us posted with your new ‘soap lab’!
    And I love,love, love pictures of English countryside, so if you wish, you have much to share, until you get to soaping again!

    1. Thanks Maja! If you like the English countryside so much you’ll love Wales!! I’ll be sure to post some pictures as soon as I can – we’ll be there for a while over Christmas so I’ll try to get some good ones then.

  3. That is wonderful news!!! Congratulations and best wishes! 🙂

  4. Wow, congratulations Vicki! Can’t wait to see some pictures of your new home! Wish you good luck!

    1. Thanks Natalia! I’m looking forward to sharing progress 🙂

  5. Congratulations to you and your hubby, Vicki! How exciting! Best wishes to you both.

    1. Thanks Jenny – we’re beyond excited 😉

  6. That’s fantastic! It’s always nice to be able to go back to the place you call home. If there’s one thing I find with soapers, is you always seem to find a time and place to make some soap, even when you’re super busy.

    Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and all the best with the move.

    1. Thanks Monica! You’re so right – I’m already missing making soap, and as we won’t be packing anything away until after Christmas I might just make a batch next week 🙂 Have a wonderful festive season!

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