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Social Saturday #2 Twitter Trouble (Blogtober 14)

IT’S THE WEEKEND! It’s also time to celebrate day 14 of Blogtober – another full week completed – phew!

Last week’s Social Saturday was all about sharing soap / bath & beauty blogs (you can still add yours in the comments section here), but this week I’m all about Twitter.

Twitter is the social media (medium?!) that I’ve found hardest to crack.  I just can’t seem to gain any momentum and I’ve been stuck in the mid 400 followers for the longest time ( you can find me here )

I’ve Googled for advice and found a few posts that share hints and tips such as:

Top 10 Twitter Tips from Computer Hope

Twenty top Twitter tips by Marketing Donut

50 Tweetable Twitter Tips by Hubspot

so I guess I should just put my focus onto Twitter for a couple of weeks and put some of these ideas into action.  In fact you know what? I think I’m going to start a bit of a Twitter challenge for the second half of October – see if I can ‘up’ my followers / engagement and attempt to tame the Twittersphere 😉  I’m currently at 434 followers, let’s see if I can increase that by any significant amount by the end of the month. 

Do you use Twitter?  Do you LIKE Twitter? Do you have any helpful tips to reinvigorate my Twitter love? I even have problems finding accounts to follow, so if post your Twitter name below I’ll happily follow you (and maybe learn a thing or two in the process)

Thanks for reading and sticking with me thus far – nearly halfway through Blogtober already!!

Back tomorrow


5 thoughts on “Social Saturday #2 Twitter Trouble (Blogtober 14)

  1. It’s “medium” when referring to one. “Media” is plural. And you are more determined than I. Twitter is the one I have no use for.

  2. Another milestone reached with the blog – almost half way! I wonder is it getting easier? and do you think, on balance, it takes up too much time with having to monitor / reply to comments? Ooops, I realise I’ve just added to it !!
    I don’t use twitter at all – partly because I’m not yet tech savvy and partly because there is no way I could be that concise!

    1. I’m not sure about it getting easier – I’m feeling a bit of blog related apathy this evening, but I love writing so I’m pretty sure that’ll pass. It certainly is taking up a fair bit of time, but I wouldn’t say it’s too much – I really appreciate any comments I get so I can hardly complain now can I 😀

  3. Twitter is a weak spot for me as well. I cross-publish my blog posts on there, but very seldom ever use Twitter as a social media platform. There are just so many different ones, I can’t seem to find time to give them all the attention they demand.

    1. That’s a very good point about not being able to give them all the time required – in fact I think I’ve read that so-called ‘social media experts’ recommend focussing on only one or two… I gave Twitter a bit of attention yesterday and gained 10 new followers, so clearly the tips do work!

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