I have a brand new essential oil bar, and it needs a name… This bar is scented with lavender, lemon and lime EOs. Heavier on the lavender and lemon, lighter on the lime, but it’s definitely discernible.

I’m offering a free bar to the person who comes up with the name that I eventually select, and you can either enter below in the comments field, or on the competition post on my FB page. It’s open to anyone, wherever you are in the world – I’ll cover postage costs too (last time I did this it the bar went over the pond to the US). So don’t be shy – I know you’re a creative lot!!
FYI The other essential oil bars in my range are called Serenity, Clarity, Peace, Boho Baby, Flowers and Luscious Lavender.
PS – the winning name will be chosen on Saturday 29th October, 9pm UK time.
Go go go!!
Citrus and sleep therapy.
Zest, Zesty, Citra, Purple Haze, Cascade, Botanica, Serendipity,
Dylan – you’re a winner! Love the name Botanica – fits in really well with the others in the range while referencing the natural elements of the fragrance. Thank you! Let me know how to get your free bar to you 🙂
Yay! Thanks Vicki, I’d be grateful if you could pass it on to my mum in the hope that she’ll deliver it on to me. Diolch!
Dylan Arnold
Limón Lavender (Lemon lavender)
Fresh Feeling
La La Lav & Lemon
When Life gives you Lavender
French Market
Lovely Lime and Lavender
Tranquillity, ,,Summer Romance,,Zest for soap,,Arogl pur,,
Sweet Pea or French Garden
Zesty lavender
Looks like Mardi Gras to me
Hmm I’d say Spring Rain or Purple Rain. 🙂
Not sure if my other one posted or not.
Hmmm I’d say maybe Spring Rain or Purple Rain. 🙂
I did post – I just needed to approve it before it appeared… thank you 😀